Soupe aux tomates et aux légumes Soupe aux tomates et aux légumes

Soupe aux tomates et aux légumes Auteur : Coup de Pouce

Smoked Salmon Mousse in Tortilla Cups A recipe is merely words on paper; a guideline, a starting point from which to improvise. It cannot pretend to replace the practiced hand and telling glance of a watchful cook. For that reason feel free to stir your own ideas into this dish. When you cook it once, it becomes yours, so personalize it a bit. Add more of an ingredient you like or less of something you don’t like. Try substituting one ingredient for another. Remember words have no flavour, you have to add your own! Ingredients: For the Mousse: 1/2 cup of cream cheese 500 g of smoked salmon 1 tbsp of chopped, fresh dill Juice of 1 lemon Fresh ground pepper Fresh dill pieces for garnishing For the Tortilla Cups: 6 x flour tortillas 3 tbsp of olive oil Directions: For the Mousse: Put ingredients into a food processor and puree until smooth. Set aside. For the Tortilla Cups: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush tortillas with olive oil and cut into 3-inch circles with a biscuit cutter. Press into a mini muffin cups and bake until crispy, about 15 minutes. Set on a rack to cool. Fill a plastic freezer bag with the salmon mousse and squeeze it toward one of the corners. Cut the tip off with a pair of scissors to form a piping bag. Pipe the mousse into the tortilla cups and top with a sprig of dill.

  • Préparation 10 minutes
  • Cuisson 15 minutes
  • Portion(s) 4 portions
  • Crédits : Coup de pouce, parution magazine mars 2005



1. Dans une grande casserole, chauffer l'huile à feu moyen. Ajouter les champignons, l'oignon, l'ail, le mélange de fines herbes séchées à l'italienne, le sel et le poivre et cuire, en brassant, pendant 5 minutes. Ajouter les tomates et l'eau et mélanger. Porter à ébullition.

2. Ajouter les pâtes et mélanger. Réduire à feu moyen et laisser mijoter pendant 5 minutes. Ajouter les haricots de Lima et poursuivre la cuisson pendant 3 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que la soupe soit chaude. Au moment de servir, parsemer chaque portion des croûtons.

Valeurs nutritives Par portion

Calories: 161/portion;  Protéines: 6 g/portion;

Matières grasses: 3 g/portion;  Glucides: 30 g/portion;

Fibres: 4 g/portion;

Partage X
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Soupe aux tomates et aux légumes

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